From PH forum…

Don’t ever write to please anyone but yourself, the self that is an educated READER., not the self who’s a writer. In the heat of composition, judge nothing, but when you revise and shape the material, separate yourself from the author and cast a cold eye on your lines as a demanding reader; you may just write a good poem.



Author: xelam

The best contemporary poetry”, wrote TS Eliot, “can give us a feeling of excitement and a sense of fulfilment different from any sentiment aroused even by very much greater poetry of a past age. The twentieth-century poetry—its continuities and transformations—with an emphasis on how new poets have dealt with and radically changed poetic tradition. Modern poets have built upon and reacted to the profound legacy of Romanticism (both British and American)—its theories of the imagination, its conception of the poets role in art and society, its complicated struggle with the question of how mind, world and language interact, and its exploration of the status of art, especially textual art, in the world. Twentieth-century poets have grappled with how to make it new, This effort has entailed an even greater self-awareness about and thematization of the interplay between poetry and the world, and an acute self-consciousness about what Wallace Stevens calls the world of words we live in. Modem poetry (along with the fiction is marked by a constant struggle with the paradoxes of living in, with and through words. ( Quoted ) because Un INTELLECTUAL dice una cosa simple de una manera dura. Un ARTISTA dice una cosa difícil de una manera sencilla ... xelam kan

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